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Used to get TLD metadata.

  • GETMethod
  • /v2/tlds/tld/infoURL
Name Type Description Restrictions
tld String The tld without any dot (.)

Successful request

  • 200 OKHTTP Status
  • application/jsonContent-Type
Name Type Required / Optional Description
provider String Required The provider which offers this tld
applicableFor List <String> Required Domain extensions which have the same metadata, may contain multiple levels (e.g. "es" and "")
metadata metadata Required The metadata for the TLD
Name Type Required / Optional Description
createDomainPeriods List <Integer> Required List of supported periods with domain creation
renewDomainPeriods List <Integer> Required List of supported periods with domain renewal
autoRenewDomainPeriods List <Integer> Required List of supported periods for automatic domain renewal
transferDomainPeriods List <Integer> Optional List of supported periods with domain transfer
redemptionPeriod Integer Optional The period in which a deleted domain can be restored
pendingDeletePeriod Integer Optional Domain deletion confirmation awaited by the registry
addGracePeriod Integer Optional The period in which a domain may be deleted and a conditional refund can be claimed
renewGracePeriod Integer Optional The period in which a renewed domain may be deleted and a conditional refund can be claimed
autoRenewGracePeriod Integer Optional The period in which an auto renewed domain may be deleted and a conditional refund can be claimed
transferGracePeriod Integer Optional The period in which a transferred domain may be deleted and a conditional refund can be claimed
expiryDateOffset Integer Optional The offset for the expiry date when the automatical domain renewal is started in seconds
transferFOA Boolean Required Whether or not the transfer process requires accepting of FOA
adjustableAuthCode Boolean Required Whether or not the auth code can be auto regenerated
customAuthcodeSupport Boolean Required Whether or not the auth code can be customized
transferSupportsAuthcode Boolean Required Whether or not the transfer process supports an auth code
transferRequiresAuthcode Boolean Required Whether or not the transfer process requires an auth code
creationRequiresPreValidation Boolean Required Whether or not the domain creation is dependent on the registrant being validated
zoneCheck String Optional True if the nameservers will be validated, also the validating servers name
possibleClientDomainStatuses List <Enum> Optional Supported client domain statuses

Possible values:

  • CLIENT_HOLD: Client hold
  • CLIENT_DELETE_PROHIBITED: Client delete prohibited
  • CLIENT_UPDATE_PROHIBITED: Client update prohibited
  • CLIENT_RENEW_PROHIBITED: Client renew prohibited
  • CLIENT_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED: Client transfer prohibited
  • IRTPC_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED: IRTP-C transfer prohibited
allowedDnssecRecords Integer Optional Maximum number of allowed DNSSec record types
allowedDnssecAlgorithms List <Integer> Optional The supported DNSSEC algoriths

Possible values:

  • 3: 3 (DSA/SHA1)
  • 5: 5 (RSA/SHA-1)
  • 6: 6 (DSA-NSEC3-SHA1)
  • 7: 7 (RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1)
  • 8: 8 (RSA/SHA-256)
  • 10: 10 (RSA/SHA-512)
  • 12: 12 (GOST R 34.10-2001)
  • 13: 13 (ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-256)
  • 14: 14 (ECDSA Curve P-384 with SHA-384)
  • 15: 15 (Ed25519)
  • 16: 16 (Ed448)
validationCategory Enum Optional If validation is required, the required validation category

Possible values:

  • General: General terms and conditions
  • IisNu: .NU registry terms and conditions
  • IisSe: .SE registry terms and condition
  • Nominet: .UK registry terms and condition
  • DkHostmaster: .dk registry terms and condition
featuresAvailable List <Enum> Required Features available

Possible values:

  • CREATE: Create is supported for the TLD
  • RENEW: Explicit renew is supported by the registry. For registries that do not support explicit renewal we allow domains te be renewed up one month in advance of expiry.
  • TRANSFER: Transfer is supported for the TLD
  • RESTORE: Restore is supported for the TLD
  • UPDATE: Update is supported for the TLD
  • PRIVACY_PROTECT: Privacy protect is supported for the TLD
  • PUSH_TRANSFER: Push transfer support is supported for the TLD
registrantChangeApprovalRequired Boolean Required Material changes to registrant date require IRTP-C approval.
registrantChangeTransferLock Boolean Required The domain will be locked for transfer after registrant change
allowDesignatedAgent Enum Optional when registrant change requires approval, indicates the allowed designated agent type. When type is "BOTH", you can also use only "OLD" or "NEW"

Possible values:

  • NONE
  • OLD
  • NEW
  • BOTH
jurisdiction String Optional Applicable jurisdiction to for registrations
termsOfService String Optional Link to registry terms of service applicable to registrations
privacyPolicy String Optional Link to registry privacy policy applicable to registrations
registrationNotice String Optional Notice that must be shown to the registrant during registration
whoisExposure Enum Required Indication of the data publicly exposed over whois, port 43 and web

Possible values:

  • NONE: No personal data is publicly exposed
  • LIMITED: For personal registrations data is not exposed, avoid using personal data in organizational contacts
  • FULL: All data is exposed
  • UNKNOWN: Situation unknown
gdprCategory Enum Required Categorization specific to GDPR compliance

Possible values:

  • EU_BASED: Registrations are in EU jurisdiction
  • ADEQUACY: Registrations are in a jurisdiction that provides an adequate level of data protection according to the EU.
  • DATA_EXPORT: Registrations are in a jurisdiction without an adequate level of data protection as outlined by the EU. Fundamental rights like the right to be forgotten or erasure do not apply.
  • UNKNOWN: Situation unknown
restoreIncludesRenew Boolean Required Indicates if the restore fee of a domain includes the renewal fee or this is charged separately when necessary.
renewalOnTransfer Enum Required Indicates if a renewal is charged when a transfer is initiated

Possible values:

  • NO_CHANGE: After transfer of domain, the expiry date remains the same
  • RENEW_UNLESS_GRACE: After transfer the domain is renewed and expiry date is extended by one year, unless the domain is in (auto) renew grace period
  • RENEWAL: After transfer, the domain is renewed and the expiry date is extended by 1 year
  • NEW_PERIOD: After transfer, the expiry date period resets, starting from the date of the transfer
domainSyntax domainSyntax Required Specific requirements for the domain name
nameservers nameservers Required Specific requirements for the name servers
registrant registrant Required Requirements for the registrant
adminContacts adminContacts Required Requirements for the admin contact(s)
billingContacts billingContacts Required Requirements for the billing contact(s)
techContacts techContacts Required Requirements for the tech contact(s)
contactProperties List < contactProperties > Optional Available contact properties
launchPhases List < launchPhases > Optional Available launch phases
Name Type Required / Optional Description
name String Required The name of the property
label String Required The textual label for the property
description String Required The textual description of the property
type Enum Required Data type of property

Possible values:

  • String
  • Date
  • Integer
mandatory Boolean Required Whether or not the property is mandatory
values Map <String, String> Optional When restricted to a fixed set of values, a map of the allowed values with their textual description
Name Type Required / Optional Description
phase String Required Name of the launch phase
startDate Timestamp Optional
endDate Timestamp Optional
Name Type Required / Optional Description
minLength Integer Required
maxLength Integer Required
idnSupport Boolean Required
idnType Enum Optional

Possible values:

  • IDNA2003: idna2003
  • IDNA2008: idna2008
  • UTS46: uts46
  • UTS46_2003: uts46_2003
  • UTS46_2003_TRANSITIONAL: uts46_2003_transitional
allowedCharacters String Optional
languageCodes languageCodes Optional
Name Type Required / Optional Description
name String Required
allowedCharacters String Optional
Name Type Required / Optional Description
min Integer Required Minimum amount of entries to be supplied
max Integer Required Minimum amount of entries to be supplied
required Boolean Required It is possible that a value is not required but there is a minumum specified, this means that if a value is supplied it should have at least the minumum amount
Name Type Required / Optional Description
organizationRequired Boolean Required Is the contact is required to be an organization
organizationAllowed Boolean Required Is the contact allowed to be an organization
allowedCountries List <String> Optional The countries allowed for the contact
Name Type Required / Optional Description
min Integer Required Minimum amount of entries to be supplied
max Integer Required Minimum amount of entries to be supplied
required Boolean Required It is possible that a value is not required but there is a minumum specified, this means that if a value is supplied it should have at least the minumum amount
organizationRequired Boolean Required Is the contact is required to be an organization
organizationAllowed Boolean Required Is the contact allowed to be an organization
allowedCountries List <String> Optional The countries allowed for the contact
Name Type Required / Optional Description
min Integer Required Minimum amount of entries to be supplied
max Integer Required Minimum amount of entries to be supplied
required Boolean Required It is possible that a value is not required but there is a minumum specified, this means that if a value is supplied it should have at least the minumum amount
organizationRequired Boolean Required Is the contact is required to be an organization
organizationAllowed Boolean Required Is the contact allowed to be an organization
allowedCountries List <String> Optional The countries allowed for the contact
Name Type Required / Optional Description
min Integer Required Minimum amount of entries to be supplied
max Integer Required Minimum amount of entries to be supplied
required Boolean Required It is possible that a value is not required but there is a minumum specified, this means that if a value is supplied it should have at least the minumum amount
organizationRequired Boolean Required Is the contact is required to be an organization
organizationAllowed Boolean Required Is the contact allowed to be an organization
allowedCountries List <String> Optional The countries allowed for the contact

Failed requests

Generic errors can be expected.

The tld without any dot (.)

GET /v2/tlds/tld/info