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All listings throughout the API follow the same format for pagination, ordering, filtering and response structure.

Filtering is used to select a subset of entities. The specific fields that support filtering differ per listing. Specifying multiple filters on the same field is supported.

Filter parameters are structured so that the key contains the field to filter and the operator separated by a colon (":") and the value is the value to apply the operator to. The colon and operator are optional and will default to the equal ("eq") operator, the allowed operator types differ per field type.

Operator Description String List<String> Date Integer List<Integer> Enum List<Enum> Boolean
eq Equal to
ne Not equal to
like Matches wildcard pattern, wildcard sign is percentage ("%")
not_like Does not match wildcard pattern, wildcard sign is percentage ("%")
gt Greater then
lt Less then
gte Greater then or equal to
lte Less then or equal to
null Does not have a value
not_null Has a value
in Is contained in list, list items are separated by comma (",")
not_in Is not contained in list, list items are separated by comma (",")
  • 200 OKHTTP Status
  • application/jsonContent-Type
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
entities List <?> Optional List of entities. The format of the entities differs per listing and each entity in the list is always identical to the response of a GET request on the entity. Field will only be absent when a count only is requested with limit=0.
pagination pagination Required Pagination metadata
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
limit Integer Required The maximum returned entities
offset Integer Required The offset
total Integer Optional The total amount entities