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Used to list and search brands

  • GETMethod
  • /v2/customers/customer/brandsURL
Name Type Description Restrictions
customer String The handle of the customer
  • Regular expression: [a-zA-Z0-9\-_@\.]+
  • Minimum length: 3
  • Maximum length: 40

The request parameters are expected in the generic listing request format, available filter and order fields are listed below.

Name Type Sortable Restrictions
hideOptionalTerms Boolean
handle String
  • locale Enum
  • Possible values:

    • en-US: English (US)
    • nl-NL: Dutch (NL)
    • ko-KR: Korean (KR)
    • tr-TR: Turkish (TR)
    • it-IT: Italian (IT)
    • fr-FR: French (FR)
    organization String
  • addressLine List <String>
    postalCode String
  • city String
  • state String
  • country String
  • url String
  • email String
  • voice String
  • fax String
  • privacyContact String
  • abuseContact String
  • createdDate Timestamp
  • updatedDate Timestamp
  • The response follows the generic listing response format, each item in the entities element is in the response format of the get request.

    The handle of the customer
    The number of entities to request, defaults to 10. A count only query can be done with a limit of 0.
    The offset to start at
    The field to use for ordering, default differs per listing. When prefixed with a minus sign ("-") ordering will be descending. The order parameter can be specified multiple times to order by multiple fields, the order parameters are processed in the order they appear in the URL.
    The default is to return a total count of all matched entities in the result, if this is not necessary it can be omitted with this flag. This will result in a speed improvement
    Generic search over all fields
    Select fields to include in the response, comma separated list of field names. Requesting only the needed fields improves response time, especially when omitting relation fields. Identifying field(s) are always included.
    When true all records will be returned. Cannot be used in combination with "limit" and/or "offset" parameters. For exports the default field selection consists only of identifying fields, to add other fields use the "fields" parameter
    The field to apply the filter on
    The operator to apply
    The value to use with the operator

    GET /v2/customers/customer/brands