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The `input` action is used to perform availability checks for domain names. Furthermore, it provides suggestions based on active suggestion tools, if enabled.

  • WebsocketsMethod
  • wss://
  • application/jsonContent-Type
Name Type Description Restrictions
sessionId String UUID4, unique to session
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
api_key String Required Your ADAC API key
action Enum Required Action to perform

Possible values:

  • input
data data Required
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
tld_set_token String Required Token of specific TLD set, can be obtained from ADAC Management Panel
  • Maximum length: 64
categories List <Integer> Required TLD categories to include, will include all available by default
input String Required Domain name query
  • Minimum length: 1
priority_list_token String Optional Token of specific TLD set, will be overwritten by `tld_set_token`
  • Minimum length: 0
  • Maximum length: 64
hints hints Optional Parameters to pass into specific suggestion tools on a per-request basis
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
domainsbot domainsbot Optional Domainsbot specific parameters to overwrite during this request. Pass `false` to disable for current request
  • Ignored if suggestion tool is set to be inactive by default
sidn sidn Optional SIDN specific parameters to overwrite during this request. Pass `false` to disable for current request
  • Ignored if suggestion tool is set to be inactive by default
rns rns Optional RNS / Placement+ specific parameters to overwrite during this request. Pass `false` to disable for current request
  • Ignored if suggestion tool is set to be inactive by default
prefixes-suffixes prefixes-suffixes Optional Prefixes Suffixes specific parameters to overwrite during this request. Pass `false` to disable for current request
  • Ignored if suggestion tool is set to be inactive by default
namesuggestion namesuggestion Optional NameStudio specific parameters to overwrite during this request. Pass `false` to disable for current request
  • Ignored if suggestion tool is set to be inactive by default
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
adult Boolean Optional
no_idn Boolean Optional
include_geolocation Boolean Optional
max_results Integer Optional Maximum number of results to return
  • Maximum value: 25
  • Minimum value: 1
tld_no String Optional TLDs to exclude in the results, separated by a comma
  • Maximum length: 255
tld_ok String Optional TLDs to include in the results, separated by a comma
  • Maximum length: 255
tld_only String Optional TLDs to exclusively allow in the results, separated by comma
  • Maximum length: 255
languages List <Enum> Optional

Possible values:

  • en: English
  • nl: Dutch
  • de: German
  • es: Spanish
  • it: Italian
  • fr: French
func Enum Optional

Possible values:

  • 1: TLDs only
  • 2: Domain only
  • 3: TLD simple
  • 4: Best of TLD and Domain
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
limit Integer Optional Maximum results
  • Maximum value: 100
  • Minimum value: 1
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
allowAdult Boolean Optional Allow adult
allowOffensive Boolean Optional Allow offensive
allowPremium Boolean Optional Allow premium
clientIP Boolean Optional Geotargeting IP
useDomainTld Boolean Optional Use Domain TLD in suggestion search
useaiSLD Boolean Optional Use AI for domain suggestions
useaiTLD Boolean Optional Use AI for TLD suggestions
maxCount Integer Optional Maximum results
  • Maximum value: 150
  • Minimum value: 1
onlyTLDs String Optional TLDs to exclusively allow in the results, separated by comma
  • Maximum length: 255
forceTLDs String Optional TLDs that must be present in the results, separated by comma
  • Maximum length: 255
addTLDs String Optional TLDs to boost in the results, separated by comma
  • Maximum length: 255
removeTLDs String Optional TLDs to exclude in the results, separated by comma
  • Maximum length: 255
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
prefixes List <String> Optional Keywords or characters placed at the beginning of the domain name query
  • Maximum length: 255
suffixes List <String> Optional Keywords or characters placed at the end of the domain name query
  • Maximum length: 255
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
tlds List <Enum> Optional

Possible values:

  • com
  • net
  • cc
use_dashes Boolean Optional Include hyphens
use_numbers Boolean Optional Include numbers
use_idns Boolean Optional Include IDN
lang Enum Optional Language

Possible values:

  • eng: English
  • spa: Spanish
  • ita: Italian
  • jpn: Japanese
  • tur: Turkish
  • chi: Chinese
  • ger: German
  • por: Portuguese
  • fre: French
  • kor: Korean
  • vie: Vietnamese
  • dut: Dutch
include_geolocation Boolean Optional Include GEO location
max_results Integer Required Max results
  • Maximum value: 100
  • Minimum value: 5
sensitive_content_filter Boolean Optional Filter sensitive content

Successful request

  • HTTP Status
  • application/jsonContent-Type
Name Type Required / Optional Description
action String Required Action executed, will always be 'domain_status' in this case
data data Required
Name Type Required / Optional Description
status Enum Required Status of the domain

Possible values:

  • 0: Waiting
  • 1: Available
  • 2: Taken
  • 3: Invalid
  • 4: Error
  • 5: Unknown
domain_name String Required The suggested domain name
suffix String Required The TLD
  • HTTP Status
  • application/jsonContent-Type
Name Type Required / Optional Description
action String Required Action executed, will always be 'suggestion' in this case
data data Required
Name Type Required / Optional Description
source String Required The suggestion engine the suggestion came from
domain_name String Required The suggested domain name
suffix String Required The TLD
status Enum Required Status of the domain

Possible values:

  • 0: Waiting
  • 1: Available
  • 2: Taken
  • 3: Invalid
  • 4: Error
  • 5: Unknown

Failed requests

Example of failed request:

    "action": "error",
    "data": "Invalid domain"