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Used to get context specific info on a process

  • GETMethod
  • /v2/processes/processId/infoURL
Name Type Description Restrictions
processId Integer The process ID

Successful request

  • 200 OKHTTP Status
  • application/jsonContent-Type

The response to this request depends on the process type, currently only a certificate request info response is supported

  • 200 OKHTTP Status
  • application/jsonContent-Type

This response is given if the process is of type 'certificate'

Name Type Required / Optional Description
commonName String Required The common name for this request
requiresAttention Boolean Required The request requires attention, see validations and notes for details. All requests that require attention can be queried via Process List with the filter "detailStatus=SSL_REQUIRES_ATTENTION"
certificateId Integer Optional Issued certificate ID, only returned if certificate was immediately issued by using authKey.
oneTimeLink String Optional A one-time link to access the Sectigo Validation Manager Page. Only present on a request for a certificate to be issued by Sectigo and when the 'organization', 'voice' or 'agreement' validation has the 'ATTENTION' status.
validations validations Optional Status of the validations for this request.
notes List < notes > Optional Deprecated List of notes for this request
Name Type Required / Optional Description
organization Enum Optional The status of the organization validation

Possible values:

  • WAITING: Waiting for validation
  • ATTENTION: Validation requires action to be taken
  • VALIDATED: Validation is done
docs Enum Optional The status of the validation for the documents

Possible values:

  • WAITING: Waiting for validation
  • ATTENTION: Validation requires action to be taken
  • VALIDATED: Validation is done
voice Enum Optional The status of the phone validation

Possible values:

  • WAITING: Waiting for validation
  • ATTENTION: Validation requires action to be taken
  • VALIDATED: Validation is done
whois Enum Optional The status of the validation for the domain whois

Possible values:

  • WAITING: Waiting for validation
  • ATTENTION: Validation requires action to be taken
  • VALIDATED: Validation is done
agreement Enum Optional The status of the subscriber agreement

Possible values:

  • WAITING: Waiting for validation
  • ATTENTION: Validation requires action to be taken
  • VALIDATED: Validation is done
dcv List < dcv > Optional List of DCV validations for this request
Name Type Required / Optional Description
createdDate Timestamp Required The time this note was created
type Enum Required Incoming or outgoing note

Possible values:

  • INCOMING: Note received
  • OUTGOING: Note sent
message String Required The contents of this note
Name Type Required / Optional Description
commonName String Required The common name for this DCV entry
type Enum Required The validation type used for this DCV entry

Possible values:

  • EMAIL: Email
  • FILE: File
  • DNS: DNS
email String Optional The email address for this DCV entry, required if 'type' is set to 'EMAIL'
status Enum Required The status of the validation for this DCV entry

Possible values:

  • WAITING: Waiting for validation
  • ATTENTION: Validation requires action to be taken
  • VALIDATED: Validation is done
caaRecordStatus Enum Required

Possible values:

  • UNKNOWN: Unknown
  • VALID: Valid
  • INVALID: Invalid
  • WAITING: Waiting
  • EMPTY: Empty
  • TIMEOUT: Timeout
  • UNRECOGNIZED_CRITICAL_TAG: Unrecognized critical tag
  • MALFORMED_RESPONSE: Malformed response
dnsRecord String Optional The DNS record name
dnsType Enum Optional The DNS record type

Possible values:

  • TXT
dnsContents String Optional The contents of the DNS record
fileLocation String Optional The location of the file
fileContents String Optional The contents of the file

Failed requests

Generic errors can be expected.

The process ID

GET /v2/processes/processId/info